

January 1st, 2007

Tour Solaire

The video Tour Solaire begins by reversing the view: instead of measuring the remoteness of outer space, the view glides first from the observation platform of a disused observatory over Paris and then ultimately turns towards the interior of the tower. Overlaid by the soundtrack of Andrei Tarkovsky’s film Solaris, the camera moves through the abandoned observatory and then lingers on a few lifeless flies. The video is determined by scenarios veering between the suggestion of distance, the observation of concrete spaces and their details, the shift between inside and outside, between objectification and psychological interiors. The observatory appears here like a mute, unreal monument of an alien culture, like the instrument of a science beset by its own fictionalisation.


Quartet Number One
A Very Brady Sequel
Fireball Forward
Moments: Six
Scooby-Doo: Mystery in Motion
Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple
Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Lost Without You
Esterno Notte (part II)
Night of the Living Doo
Desirable Teacher 2
Zero Woman R
Hello Imperial Guard
La Magia de la Imagen en Movimiento