

April 8th, 2008

Eddie Griffin: Freedom of Speech

The man whose stand-up career began on a dare returns in this gut-busting performance recorded live in Atlanta. Actor-comedian Eddie Griffin - better known as "the funniest man alive" - unleashes his most daring material yet in this comedy concert. Throughout the 90-minute show, Griffin brings the house down as he touches on his personal life and experiences, using his keen wit and his willingness to say just about anything. (source www.eddiegriffin.com)


A Simple Wish
Eddie Griffin: Undeniable
Bohemian Rhapsody
Ted 2
The Dark Knight
Spider-Man 3
The Amazing Spider-Man
Rain Man
Captain America: Civil War
The Boy
Captain Marvel
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Friends with Benefits
The Avengers
Despicable Me
The Willoughbys
Thor: Ragnarok