

January 1st, 2012

Claude Debussy - Pelléas et Mélisande

Drama lyrique in five acts, after the play by Maruice Maeterlink


Mahler:  Symphony No. 4 / Schoenberg:  Pelleas and Melisande
Pixinguinha: Um Homem Carinhoso
PWG Sells Out: Volume 3
Ultraman Gaia: Once Again Gaia
The Distant Relative
Goldfinger - Live in Quarantine 2020
VH1 Storytellers - Matchbox Twenty
Do You Wanna Dance?
May Morning
Sweet Taste of Imagination
The 7
The Big Durian
Quis Ser Grande e Morrer Contigo
Jaguars of the Pantanal
Autumn Leaves
Blink of an Eye
My Grandfather's Clock
Sunny Side Up