

January 19th, 2013

Cirque du Soleil: IRIS

This production from Cirque du Soleil is a lyrical, fanciful, kinetic foray into the seventh art. Bringing together dance, acrobatics, live video, filmed sequences and animation, the show takes spectators on a fantastic voyage through the history of cinema and its genres, taking them into the heart of the movie-making process. From illustration to animation, black and white to colour, silent films to talkies, fixed shots to swooping camera movements, spectators witness the poetic construction/deconstruction of this art as an object and as a way of transcending reality.


Cirque du Soleil: La Magie Continue
All That I Have
Cock Fight
The Revamping of Dracula
Verta käsissämme
Auferstanden aus Platinen - Die Heimcomputerszene in der DDR
Without Orders
Mnozil Brass - Blofeld
Razor's Ring
Inside the Iranian Uprising
Marcel, your mother is calling you
Sudden Love
AAA: Lucha Libre World Cup 2016 (Day One)
Jaguars of the Pantanal
Aasmaan Bolay Ga
Matar al Nani
Guido Weijers: V
La Metralleta